Don’t just take our word for it, industry leaders from across New Zealand have kindly given us the client endorsements below.
In 2018 we enlisted the help and support of Rob Hoult to help grow the foundations of a Crusaders Leadership Development program. Rob continues to support the playing squad in developing and nurturing leadership, in doing so, ensuring that effective leadership remains a critical element to the teams on field success.
Angus Gardiner, Crusaders General Manager of Professional Rugby
Through Robs work with members of the playing squad we have seen both the capability and depth of our players leadership grow , they know what good leadership looks like and feels like and continue to raise the bar in this area of our team’s performance .”
Scott Robertson, Crusaders Head Coach
“On behalf of Team Humes, I would like to express our immense gratitude for your input into really shaping and defining our team. At times, the team was on the verge of a bit of chaos (i.e. not knowing how to tie everything together) but your guidance and feedback pulled us back on track and helped clarify where we were at.
Rob your guidance to us as individuals has been invaluable on all sorts of levels. We have all talked about how we feel we had the best coach throughout the programme!
So thank you. Will definitely keep in touch. And we look forward to sharing with you the results of what we are implementing.”
“At Quality Roading and Services (Wairoa) we identified the need to grow a better understanding of leadership skills and thinking across the business in order to improve our performance. We turned to Rob Hoult at Team Leader to help us develop an understanding of a leadership style that was based on honest communication and trust in each other that was meaningful to all in the Company. Rob was able to very effectively engage with everyone and ensure the message had meaning to each leadership group, from the Senior Management Team, Site Supervisors to the youngest labourer and apprentice. We now have a leadership framework that we all understand, and agree with, and that we can hold each other accountable to. This will enable QRS to keep Wairoa moving forward.”
“Having benefitted from advice that you have provided for me and valuing our continuing interaction, I compiled this to try and provide you something in return. While you are very self-aware through all the activities that you’ve done, you may not have put it together in this way before – hopefully it resonates and will be useful for you personally.
Rob Hoult Value Proposition (RHVP)
I understand the specific value proposition that I provide and can best describe it in terms of the positive, but mostly unconscious, impact that I make on the people that I interact with. I present as a person with great life balance, someone who is comfortable about the choices that I have made and relishing the opportunities that my second career is providing. I am passionate about leadership and helping people realise their leadership potential. I have the ability to individually contextualise my considerable practical leadership experience to relevant leadership theory and behaviour. Through my actions, I am a leadership role-model who seeks to facilitate and coach in a genuine, understated manner. I have the rare ability to speak compellingly with undivided focus and attention that comes across in a non-threatening way that resonates. This accentuates the interaction and empowers the person directly. People relate to me because I embody success, a vision of what others can do in life through balance – acceptance of my strengths and weaknesses, comfort in the pathways that I have taken, passion for what I can contribute and a genuine desire to help others make a positive difference.’”
“I found the leadership course invaluable to my personal growth both as an individual and as a leader. As a group we explored the different styles of leadership, and talked about the strengths and weaknesses of each with real life examples.These scenarios we discussed were applicable to team sport, business and relationships. We were lucky to have leaders come and in talk about their own leadership styles and some of their past experiences. I would highly recommend this course to people who want to grow their leadership skills and personal development.”
“ Hi Rob
Thanks for a wonderful couple of days last week with the Escalator programme leadership training in Wellington. I learnt so much. I found your teaching style fantastic – succinct, but full of examples, visual reinforcement, and also the videos etc… Then we had to do some practical work ourselves! As I have learnt through Escalator, I am a multi-modal learner, so it was perfect reinforcement for me.
I only wish I’d learnt this many years ago but never too late. I appreciate all your practical experience as well as the theory that sits behind these well-prepared sessions.”
““Just wanted to feedback to you how helpful I found last week’s Leadership 101 workshop. It would be fair to say that my team here have already seen a change in how we approach things. Have been really intentional about working on my goals and took you at your word to make changes straight away. I can already see improvement in communication around the laboratory and engagement of staff. It is interesting watching their tentative steps to push themselves into areas where they felt they couldn’t go and also the surprise on their faces when I ask them what kind of solution would work best for them! Early days but lots of positives for me and my team. Have also had feedback from others in the building saying that they would like to get on this workshop so will follow up with my line manager here.”
“Rob, thank you for starting me on a leadership/personal development journey this year through your sessions with the MEM class. Your sessions challenged me emotionally and forced me to look at my behaviour - something I have found extremely difficult (the hardest class of the year) but equally rewarding when we did the second ‘keep-start-stop’ on Wednesday to see some starts turn to keeps.
I found you engaging and connected easily with you, your ideas and messages, something that at times I have struggled with throughout the year with other lecturers.
Now, at a cross roads, of where my next adventure will take me I am thankful for the insight you have given me into the personal skills required by leaders people want. And perhaps without meaning to you have made me question my path and broadened my eyes into different fields. Helping others learn about leadership and grow to be the best versions of themselves is extremely appealing to me, now only to find where that fits within the strict, traditional world of civil engineering.
Thanks for taking time to support our class, I hope to see you at our presentation day in November.”
“Rob Hoult played an integral role in coaching members on one of our senior leadership development programme’s ‘Leaders Edge’ – made up of senior managers across NZ and Australia. He was able to quickly relate to the diverse members and help coach them to build a strong team who respected and valued different styles, behaviours, opinions and soon worked out how to play to their strengths. The team delivered an outstanding performance both throughout the seven month leadership journey and at the finale of the programme to the Executive Team – influenced in a significant way by the coaching provided by Rob.”
“Rob Hoult delivered a spectacular leadership workshop for the TEDx Christchurch organising team. He was focused, insightful, and a terrific presenter, and I know that the experience will influence our ongoing behaviour. As one of our group said, ‘I’m still thinking about a lot of the concepts we discussed 3 days later.’ Another phrased it even more directly: ‘I can safely say that it was the best leadership workshop I’ve been to... informative, engaging and thought provoking.’ I wouldn’t hesitate to use Rob as a leadership coach again.’”
“Rob Hoult has been the inspirational force behind NZ Army leadership development. One of the few practitioners in NZ to execute a sustained OD intervention for a period of years, Rob has been recognised as a significant contributor to shifting the Army culture. His reputation has lead to a wide range of speaking and work assignments across NZ and overseas and he has consulted to other high profile organisations including the NZ Police. Rob is smart, engaging and we are very proud to be associated with him.
“Rob Hoult recently delivered a day of facilitation training to the 30 instructors and managers at Outward Bound NZ. Over the course of the day Rob shared with us the tools, models and ideas that he has found the most useful in his extensive career training people to be the best they can be. His knowledge of the psychology of performance, with particular emphasis on teams and their leaders is astonishingly broad. He challenged our thinking and helped us to better understand the processes that we already use with our clients, as well as exploring new models and alternative ways of working. The impact of a single day with Rob has the potential to be felt in this organisation for a long time. It is down to us now to learn more about the ideas and tools he has introduced us to, and to apply them in our work.”
“Thanks Rob for your continued support - both personally and organisationally. You’re making a big difference - I see it every time you interact with these groups and inevitably your name comes up in conversation as having manoeuvred people into a position where they have to address their leadership challenges head on. A great effort by you and the team, and one which you can be proud of in terms of what you are achieving. Well done.
“Rob Hoult has provided his professional input into the School of Leadership Management and Command, Royal New Zealand Police College over the past three years, focusing on the leadership development of Police Senior Sergeants preparing for promotion to Inspector.
Rob has assisted with course design and tailoring the content to meet specific organisational needs. He has a particular skill in collaboratively developing an understanding of those needs and applying his comprehensive knowledge of leadership development to produce excellent solutions.
Rob’s mastery and delivery of leadership material is first class. He quickly achieves and rapport with his audience and has that ability to set people at ease and then create a learning environment that both stimulates and challenges.
Rob understands the dynamics of good client relationships and is a pleasure to work with. He is engaging, highly professional and consistently delivers to the highest standards.”
“Rob, I’d like to again thank you for the leadership work you did yesterday. It’s great to have some formal and relevant leadership training done with the team.
Everyone found what you were teaching very relevant, and we captivated through the whole process. The content covered was great, and followed a good pace.
All the instructors found something relevant to them, and although some had done some form of leadership training in the past they found yours more relevant and inspriring to them. From your course outline they all found at least one upcoming module interesting and relevant to them, and as all good teachers/instructors we need to leave them wanting more, and you have certainly created a buzz and have left them eagerly anticipating the next session.”
“Earlier this year, Rob Hoult delivered a leadership workshop as part of the New Zealand Medical Students’ Association Clinical Leadership Forum.
The session on leadership development, theory and skills was engaging, dynamic and much enjoyed by the over 50 medical student leaders. His presentation was extremely well researched and thoroughly backed up by most current leadership paradigms. He had an in-depth knowledge of the topics and was readily able to lead discussions brought up by participants.
Personally, I have attended numerous leadership development workshops all around the world. Rob Hoult’s session stood out as the most impactful and succinct of all workshops that I have attended to date.
I would recommend without reservation Rob Hoult of Team Leader as the leadership training provider of choice. Rob’s openness in sharing resources, discussing ideas, thorough preparation and immaculate execution are world-class.”
“Rob provided our students with a two day critical leadership development workshop at the beginning of our academic year.
Given that our mission is to develop the technical leaders of the future, Rob’s input through the delivery of a day of leadership theory and a day of practical leadership activities is invaluable in that his contribution is grounded, timely, relevant and also fun so as to set the scene for the rest of their course.”
“Rob has a unique set of personal qualities that have enabled the Army, and now Defence, leadership framework to be a world leading programme of its type. Rob’s energy, passion, intelligence and goal orientation are the biggest factors in the achievement of the programme to date.”
“Agri Womens’ Development Trust Escalator Programme - I had the privilege of sitting with the 2013 Escalator group for their leadership module – AMAZING!
I learnt to drive. I thought I was a pretty good driver then many years later I did a defensive driving course and realised I was driving OK but after more effective training I could be so much better at driving (even exceptional).
Well the two days participating in module 4 with this year’s escalator group was my leadership “driving” course. After the two days I learnt so much but most importantly I learnt what I didn’t know and what I needed to learn and practise to make the difference I want to make in the farming industry and in my life in general.
Rob Hoult was the facilitator and the word “facilitator” does not do this man justice. Rob was exceptionally professional in how he dressed, how he carried himself and how he presented. Rob wasn’t a guy that just studied leadership he had it intravenously pumping through his veins. For every bit of theory he spoke of he was able to put a real life example to give it context. His leadership experience is very, very diverse and he was very open about things that haven’t worked for him.
The main message Rob spoke of was leadership behaviour; 24/7 leadership isn’t a role you do some days and not the next and well let’s face it often people use the “not in a leadership role” as an “out clause” for having poor leadership behaviour.
Rob was also very big on people stepping up and being responsible for adopting this leadership behaviour in all aspects of life. It would take me pages to write all I learnt and I could not speak more highly of Rob.
Abraham Lincoln said, “Give me six hours to cut down a tree and I will use four of them to sharpen the Axe” my commitment now is to sharpen my Axe!!”
“Rob the Leadership guru:
· Complete and holistic view of leadership context developed through own life experiences and leading others
· Theoretical knowledge of proven models, tools content – then the ability to relate the right content with context
· Has walked the talk – (this is really your competitive advantage- you have a history that is hard to compete with) from military, sport, outdoor pursuits.
Rob the programme developer
· Through preparation in the pre-work stage to really get to know what was important to me as the Trust’s Executive Director
· Able to translate that into a programme that followed logic in progression ( trust me programme developers do not always get this right)
· Professionally written and professionally presented - very good power points
· Absolute through knowledge of topic
Rob the facilitator
· Instant connection to the audience
· The level of warmth vs. level of distance. You did this extremely well and it maintained your professional credibility - enough room for the women to open up BUT enough distance for you to help them explore and own their challenges
· Repetition of simple messages throughout the two days “ here are some tools- here is some research…its up to you) - this was very powerful, making the women own the journey
· Getting the women to safely experience feed forward - and work on one change behaviour. So this means a) they had to really think about it b) they have a tool to use
· Facilitated an excellent opening session on day two”